Tag Archives: Heilkunst Medicine

Tips for Managing your Child’s Heilkunst Treatment

February 12, 2015, By Sandra Weizman, DMH, DHHP. Reprinted with permission of crystalchild.wordpress.com

Tips for Managing your Child’s Heilkunst Treatment

I began treating my son with homeopathy when he was a young child. On two separate occasions, with two different practitioners, my husband was unsupportive and felt it was a waste of time and money. At that time he was working in advertising sales and he happened to call the owner of a dinner theatre company to sell him an ad. Somehow during the conversation my husband mentioned that he had an autistic child. The dinner theatre proprietor started telling him that his adult son used to have autism as well, but that he recovered with the use of special diets and homeopathy. My husband stopped complaining about the cost and time involved. Two years later, we were with a new practitioner, and there were more complaints from my husband. Then one day he sold an ad to an organic produce company. The same thing happened. The business owner told him that she had an autistic child who recovered using homeopathy. My husband stopped complaining and became supportive from then on.


Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy, coined the term “occurrents,” for seemingly unrelated events that occur at significant times for specific reasons. What most people would call a coincidence is often a phenomenon meant to happen at a specific time and place to either assist you in achieving something, remind you of some trauma that you have not yet resolved, or perhaps show you the path or be a guiding light. Whether you believe in God or simply in a higher power, things happen for a reason. I was resolved to continue trying to heal my child; my husband was not supportive of my efforts and people were put in his path as guiding lights.


Through such guiding lights I was led to study Heilkunst in my desire to treat children with special needs and their families and to share this amazing system of medicine with them. I would now like to share a few tips for parents managing their children’s treatment.


It’s All in the Potency

Heilkunst practitioners typically prescribe remedies in the C-scale (centesimal scale). However, we will often start at a 30C and go up in potency to a 200C, followed by a 1M, 10M and so on. However, if there is a strong or lingering healing reaction, some may either pair the C-scale remedies with LM-scale remedies, in an attempt to add a gentle, more spherical dose to help ground or even out the effect of the C-scale remedy. There is a duality insofar as the C scale represents the male side while the LM represents the female side, sort of like yin and yang. That being said, LM potencies are capable of having a strong impact that is not always gentle in nature.


Other potencies that we have in our tool chest include homocords as well as the Fibonacci. Homocords combine two or more potencies into one dropper. So, for example, if you are prescribed Arnica 3C/5C/7C, it combines all three low potencies in the same remedy. This can be especially effective for certain remedies that offer an energetic rendering of a biomedical intervention that the child needs. A good example of a successful homocord used for autistic patients is Secretin 3C/6C/9C. The homeopathic version of Secretin can give the patient a similar benefit to gastrointestinal disorders that the physical drug bestows. In the case of my own son, when we first tried Secretin 30C, it proved destabilizing, but the homocord improved his gut problems significantly.


Homeopath and medical doctor Joe Rozencwajg, who published the book The Potency, Advanced Prescribing in Homeopathy, says that he sometimes prescribes a homocord such as Belladonna 30C/200C, because he is not sure which of the two potencies the patient needs. He claims that the patient will utilize the one needed and slough off the other one with no ill effect. It could be possible, however, that the patient requires both potencies simultaneously.


Rozencwajg also developed prescribing according to the Fibonacci Code. Fibonacci, a 12th century Italian mathematician, developed his mathematical algorithm that mimics what is found in nature, such as the coiled nautilus shell, and in man-made entities, such as the Parthenon or Leonardo da Vinci’s Golden Ratio. Fibonacci prescribing generally begins with 3C, 5C, 8C, 13C, 21C, 34C, 55C, 89C, 144C, 233C and so on. Many patients respond well to this manner of prescribing and many practitioners report success when they start with potencies this low.



Many Heilkunst practitioners use paper remedies and tell their patients to write the remedy on a small piece of paper and tuck it into a sock or pocket. Since none of the original substance remains in a remedy when potentized beyond 12C, and only the energy of the original substance remains, the same energy is available in the universe and therefore the act of simply writing it down and holding it close to one’s body will work, provided it is the correct remedy.


I sometimes use paper remedies, but I prefer to teach my patients how to make the remedies themselves by adding spring water to a dropper bottle, affixing the label to the bottle, and succussing it multiple times. I often give them a paper remedy to write down and try out overnight. If their symptoms improve with it, I may then suggest that they make it up in a dropper bottle or I will make it up for them. That way, we can more easily control the frequency with which they are receiving the remedy. If it’s an acute remedy such as ARR (Arnica/Ruta/Rhux-t) for a twisted ankle, for instance, I will recommend that they either take a drop every 15 minutes or put a drop in their water bottle to sip on throughout the day.


Sometimes kids, especially those with autism, may blow the powder off the paper or spit out the wafer. I always reassure parents that this is nothing to worry about because as long as the remedy touches inside the mouth, it will work. If your child gets into the remedies and drinks the contents of all the dropper bottles and swallows all the powders or wafers, this is also not cause for concern. (I treated one autistic child who did this exact thing.) The body takes in what it needs as though it is a single dose. Sometimes if stressed and operating with little sleep, the parents may get confused and accidentally take their children’s remedies or give their own remedies to their kids. This, too, is no cause for concern. Each individual only assimilates what they need; the rest is sloughed off with no adverse side effects.


For those children with more severe behaviour problems who tend to have healing reactions that involve aggression or self-injurious behavior, I have a different method for administering the remedies. Once I establish the sort of pattern the child tends to exhibit with healing reactions, I will prescribe acute remedies for these sorts of more challenging behaviours. I ask the parents to obtain bottles with a spray attachment. That way, if the child becomes unruly or aggressive or self-injurious behaviours are out of control, it can sometimes be very difficult to enlist their cooperation to open their mouths for a drop. Instead, I have the parents spray a fine mist of the remedy over their head. I find this works with great success.


While it is recommended that patients schedule follow-up appointments every four to six weeks, I find that there are some, particularly children, who are on a three-week cycle and require their next set of remedies more quickly. We know this because such patients start to ‘prove’ their remedies, that is, after a time the remedies begin to worsen the symptoms that they were prescribed to alleviate. In these cases, more frequent appointments are highly recommended.


Orgone Energy

In addition to the complete writings of Samuel Hahanemann, Heilkunstlers also incorporate the works of Rudolf Steiner (founder of the Waldorf School Movement and anthroposophical medicine) and Wilhelm Reich, an MD and psychoanalyst who initially was a protegé of Freud’s, but later broke away and formulated his own theories of orgone energy. Reich discovered a bioelectrical charge whose flow within the body could be detected as waves passing through his clinical patients as they began experiencing intense emotional breakthroughs.

The ability of the body to expand and contract and not become “stuck” in one mode, is what Reich termed the pulsation of life. This pulsation of expansion and contraction also followed a specific four-beat cycle:

Tension – Charge – Discharge – Relaxation

Reich was able to produce the positive effects of this four-beat cycle through the creation of an orgone accumulator. (Read more here). The effects have been reproduced in orgone pendants that create a field of high frequency energy that interacts with one’s energy field, raising and strengthening it.


You can wear one of these pendants around your neck and you can also place your homeopathic dropper bottles on the pendant. Within a half hour, the remedy will be energized many times over and work more effectively. The same holds true for essential oils. These pendants can be purchased here. I highly recommend them to my patients.


Orgone blankets, made with interleaved layers of fabric and steel wool, can also be very helpful in managing pain. The energy they provide gives off heat and a reduction in symptoms of pain. You can order them here or from Elizabeth Van Gulick at orgone@bell.net. You can even make your own, if so inclined. I keep mine on the couch in my own clinic and wrap it around those patients who need it for the duration of their appointment.



These are just a few of the many tips I have learned in my practice that can help you to administer remedies to your child, alleviate symptoms, energize your remedies, and support you through the journey of healing.


Sandra Weizman, DMH, DHHP, practices Heilkunst Medicine and Homeopathy in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She is a Board member of the Canadian International Heilkunst Association. She can be reached at Clinic for Heilkunst Medicine, Sandra@heilkunstmedicine.com or by phone at 403-238-1734. Appointments are in person, by phone or Skype and she welcomes distance clients.